Shawn Bolz: The Only Way to Create Authentic Paul-and-Timothy Relationships


Shawn Bolz says true mentorship requires investment—but that Jesus has to remain your ultimate mentor.

Bolz says, “You can’t make Paul and Timothy relationships happen except by investing and saying ‘I value you.’ … The reality is that the people that I get to nurture in a real discipleship way already have their own thing going on, and they don’t need me because of all their crises, and now I get to step into their crises at times and that happens, but they’re not looking to me as a source. … Ultimately when you’re asking for mentoring and discipleship, you can’t substitute that very real relationship that Jesus paid a price for on the cross for you to have, so He can mentor you and use community and use discipleship as tools that serve that.”

Watch the full teaching clip here.


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