Signs in the Heavens and Wonders on the Earth Occur During Sean Feucht Worship Service


In the pre-dawn hours before #LetUsWorship lifted thunderous praise near Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, a heavenly light show filled the sky near the Town of Estes Park.

A meteor flashed across the sky turning darkness to light at about 4:30 a.m. the same day revivalist Sean Feucht and #LetUsWorship lifted the song “Let Everything” on the nationwide movement’s 21st day prayer.

The praise anthem is inspired by the words of Psalm 150:6: “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord.”

Recorded by a surveillance camera, the heavenly display was published in three videos on Discover Colorado Through Your Photos Facebook group, and later on TheDenverChannel.Com.

The brilliant flash across the sky seemed to be fulfillment of another psalm, “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and their expanse is the declaring the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1)

A massive bull elk with an expansive rack grazed on grass near #LetUsWorship and, during one song, Feucht wondered aloud if he might join the crowd, fulfilling Psalm 150:6. A chain-link fence prevented the bull from moving closer.

Hundreds of people near the #LetUsWorship stage retreated to make room for at least a hundred more who rain to the front to receive Jesus for the first time. The invitation to “run” to the stage included people seeking freedom from suicidal thoughts, addictions, as well as healing for broken marriages and same-sex attractions.

A large group of prayer ministers moved among the crowd, offering individual and focused attention on men, women, boys and girls standing, sitting or kneeling. A man from the Dominican Republic fell to his knees, telling a Spanish translator he needed a fresh touch of God to continue preaching the Gospel.

His family moved to Colorado four weeks ago, and had not connected with a Spanish-speaking church yet. He provided contact information for #LetUsWorship and its team of local pastors. They will follow up with the large number of people who surrendered or rededicated their lives to the Lord for the first time, a #LetUsWorship representative said. {eoa}

Steve Rees is a former general assignment reporter who, with one other journalist, first wrote about the national men’s movement Promise Keepers from his home in Colorado. Rees and Promise Keepers Founder Bill McCartney attended the Boulder Vineyard. Today Rees writes in his free time.

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