Spirit-Filled Psychologist: How to Walk Closely With God Through Coronavirus Pandemic


Many around the world view the coronavirus pandemic as a doomsday of sorts. But Christian psychologist, life coach and minister Dr. Barbara Lowe says now is the time for Christians to shine like never before.

She shares her insights into how to walk closely with God during this time of fear on Real Life on the Cornerstone Television Network.

“This is a time when we are able to see ourselves a little more clearly and what dross needs to come up,” she says. “So from a spiritual aspect, we want to dig in like never before and build ourselves up in our spirit. We want to be in the Word, we want to be in worship, we want to pray in the Spirit. We want to be in love and thinking about love and being intentional about what we’re thinking about.”

Watch the video to learn more.


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