Stroke Survivor Missing Part of Her Brain Still Finds Joy: ‘I’m a Miracle’


Katherine Wolf suffered a brain stem stroke 12 years ago, with no warnings. She had no symptoms—it happened entirely out of the blue. After the stroke, it took her two years to relearn how to eat food, speak and stand. Eleven surgeries later, she’s telling people her current situation is a miracle.

“I’m a miracle—I’m missing part of my brain today; doctors don’t know why I’m alive,” Wolf says. “It’s been a rough road, but seven and a half years after the brain rupture, I had a second baby, John. … I just want to speak out loud today that not everything is OK. Even after the good stuff comes, in the end, there is still—until heaven’s door—pain and sorrow.

“And that’s how it should be. We’re on earth; we are not in heaven. Earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t hear. But we’re on earth, and there is sorrow, but there is deep joy in this story of truly glory in the grind.”

To listen to more of Wolf’s incredible story, watch the entire video titled “Let’s Start Over” here.


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