Todd White: This Is the Only Thing Standing in the Way of You Receiving Holy Spirit Gifts


Evangelist Todd White says you’re the only one who can prevent yourself from receiving the gifts of the Spirit, because they’ve already been made available to you.

“When it comes to the miraculous, when it comes to miracles, when it comes to healing, when it comes to a Holy Spirit-driven life, religion comes against that with everything it can,” White says. “Just like it came against Jesus when He was on the earth, religion tries to stop it. But religion couldn’t shut down the miraculous. …

“If somebody’s been taught that the miraculous isn’t real, they have to fight against you. When you get a word of knowledge that’s absolutely out of the box, and people around you who have grown up in religion, they’ve been taught that that’s possibly the devil, they have to fight against you with everything they are. The way to get past that is, the person who thinks it’s the devil gets healed.”

To listen to the entire sermon titled “You Can’t Do This Life Without Him,” click here.


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