Tony Evans: Collective Gatherings Can Take Away From Personal Worship


Pastor Tony Evans encourages people to take advantage of all the free time quarantine is offering to engage more in personal worship with God.

“I think collective gathering has sometimes taken away from personal worship,” Evans says. “To come now to God in a daily surrender—one, because you can’t go to church and No. 2, because we’re in a crisis—you put those two together, then you take the Word of God. And since the Bible says the Holy Spirit is in us, we are the temple, in a temple of the place of worship, there is a learning opportunity to enter into personal church each day. …

“Now’s the time for you to be your own choir director and not be ashamed about your voice. Sing to Him, praise Him, pray to Him, look at His Word and then use this time to deal with things in your life with Him. … Let’s look for the teaching in the trial.”

To watch the entire video for more encouragement, click here.


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