WATCH: Cancel Culture Comes for Harry Potter


World-famous author of the Harry Potter series J.K. Rowling has once again come under fire for her views on homosexuality and gender. Her books were to be the focus of a Harry Potter event at a New Zealand book festival, until outrage sparked over Rowling’s past tweets in which she said, “If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased.”

Ironically, the main theme of the book festival is “cancel culture.”

“It’s really funny that all the way from the U.K., where a world-famous writer has gotten into trouble for expressing quite compassionate and reasonable views, all the way down to tiny little Featherston. It encapsulates the whole madness of it quite well,” said local lesbian feminist Jenny Whyte.

Watch this video with content director Jeff Struss for the rest of the story.

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