WATCH: Miracle Story of God’s Divine Plan for Woman Without Limbs

Tasks such as brushing your teeth and texting friends are as commonplace activities as can be. But for someone without arms or legs, tasks like those are rendered impossible without determination, creativity and faith in God’s plan.

For Amy Brooks, born with the rare condition tetraphocomelia, perseverance was cultivated from a young age. Thankfully, her adoptive parents nurtured young Brooks’ faith and taught her to see the miracle her life truly is.

“Because of the faith of my parents, I think I’ve always grown up to believe that I was born with a purpose and that God has had a plan for me,” Brooks says. “I didn’t always know what that plan was, but I knew that He had a plan for me and that God doesn’t make mistakes.”

That doesn’t mean her life, or the life of her family, was without tears.

Overwhelmed with the enormous task of encouraging independence in someone who seemed to be destined to rely on others her whole life, Brooks’ mom cried, “God, show me how to take care of her, and I will. I will do my best.”

From that moment, the Lord worked mightily within the Brooks family and showed up in the most unusual ways.

Through it all, Brooks can see God’s “imprints” in her life, and that has encouraged her to use her story to inspire others. Watch now.

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