Israel''s flag burns as part of Iran's celebration of its Muslim Revolution.

WATCH: Russia’s Grab for Power Is Moving Us Toward Fulfillment of End-Times Prophecy


Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 of a two-part article. Watch for Part 2, coming tomorrow on Charisma News.

With the world watching in seeming helplessness as Russia prepares to invade Ukraine, Amir Tsarfati, founder of Behold Israel, and Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, California, are watching too. The two reveal what the secular media won’t: Not only could Russia’s grab for power pull us into World War III but to the fulfillment of end-times prophecy as well.

“Intelligence organizations of countries all around the world are convinced that Putin is about to invade in the imminent future, which means it can happen any minute,” Tsarfati, a Messianic Jew, says. “And the reason is very simple. He already started activating GPS-disrupting units. He already brought all of his naval ships all around the Black Sea. He already brought field hospitals because you know, you can threaten that you’re going to start a war. But if there’s no real hospitals around on your side, that means you’re not really serious. So he’s got that one covered.

“He starts tomorrow in naval exercises on the Black Sea, and one has already begun in Belarus,” he says. “So he’s actually holding them from both sides. And he’s rejecting all international effort. In fact, just a few days ago, [French President Emmanuel] Macron … came all the way to Moscow to try to appease Putin, and look what Putin did to him [Video shows Macron “walking like a little puppy” behind Putin as Putin leaves the room.]

“A meeting on the phone with President Biden today did not bring any results, meeting with Macron again, meeting with Johnson—all of that is nothing,” Tsarfati adds. “One embassy after another is closing; the British Embassy even lowered the flag. They turned off the lights. The U.S. Embassy has been evacuated. The French Embassy, the Canadian Embassy, the Australian Embassy. And of course we’re talking about Israel. We’re talking Norway [and] many, many different countries. They closed all their embassies, and there is an attempt right now to get everybody out.”

But what Tsarfati finds even more fascinating is that the embassies are not the only thing leaving Ukraine; countries including the U.K. and the U.S. are pulling their troops from the beleaguered country as well. He says on Feb. 12, in broad daylight, the Russians sent attack helicopters to fly low over the entire country, landing at the border of Ukraine.

Russian intelligence also detected a U.S. submarine from Virginia, Tsarfati says, noting that “We’re on the eve of a big war.”

We don’t see these sorts of things on U.S. news channels, Hibbs explains, adding that he has also seen Putin’s hypersonic missile system on international news. “It can go somewhere in the vicinity of 8,000-9,000 miles an hour; this is set up in the area … to deter any U.S. or European involvement.” Hibbs sees this as Russia, in effect, thumbing its nose at NATO.

But why is this happening? Why has Putin set his sights on Ukraine?

Far from sudden, this move is something the Russian president has been contemplating since 2014, in part by creating enough wealth so the Russian economy won’t break down under any threatened sanctions from the West, Tsarfati says. Putin also made sure Europe would become dependent on Russian gas, he says, showing a chart of the gas lines from Russia into Europe and adding, “Europe is addicted to Russian gas.”

Trump tried to counter this through an Israeli gas line to go through Cyprus, Greece and Italy, but Biden is now dismissing it, Tsarfati explains, adding that America is being perceived weak because of the closing of its embassy in Ukraine.

“I don’t believe America is weak by force,” he says. “I believe America is perceived [as] weak.”

But Hibbs disagrees. “I believe America is weak,” he says. “Let me tell you why. We have not won a war, America, since 1945. The United States has lost everything that we’ve been entangled with since 1945. … The reason why this is happening is because bullies smell weakness. Everybody knows this … With Trump in office, this never would have happened. I don’t care what anybody says: Putin, Xi Jingping, Kim Jong-un—they were scared of Trump. They didn’t know what he would do if they tried something. And so for four years, no one on this broadcast right now was in fear. Europe began to relax; Israel relaxed; peace treaties were made.”

But while he’s not saying Trump was perfect, with Biden in power, things look much different, Hibbs says. Not only did the Israeli pipeline get canceled, but with Europe dependent on Russian gas, Putin has found the key to dividing NATO.

“NATO is irrelevant,” he adds. “The United States is irrelevant,” adding that as we see these events unfolding and look toward the very real possibility of a third world war, we must not overlook the Ezekiel 38 prophecy, which deals with the apocalyptic battle of Gog and Magog.

The war in the Arabian Peninsula is a part of this as well, Tsarfati says, noting that on Feb. 11, Iran celebrated the 43rd anniversary of its Islamic Revolution, revealing a photo of the flag of Israel being burned as a part of the day’s events. He also points out the 30 Russian ships currently on the Black Sea that came from the Mediterranean and are housed at the port they have in Syria.

“Now, the Russians have also made a runway longer in Syria for their heavy bombers,” he adds. “Now, why heavy bombers in Syria? … when the world is watching Russia, preparing for war with the Ukraine, it’s not going to move anywhere. But if anything, it’s going to move southeast to Syria, and it will be used later on against us. So this is an amazing transition of weapons. That is happening before our very eyes [in Israel] as we wake up and we see 30 naval ships in the Mediterranean.”

Regardless of the current focus on Ukraine, we must be aware that the direction of attack is moving toward Israel eventually, which is why the prophetic aspect of all this must be considered, Tsarfati explains.

“Maybe even Putin doesn’t even know yet what he is going to do to Israel, or what Russia is going to do to Israel,” he says. “But without them even knowing, they already moved all the chess pieces on the chessboard. And it’s phenomenal.

“I cannot believe that I’m saying that in 2022, 30 naval ships of Russia could be seen from the shores of Israel,” Tsarfati adds. “I mean, Ezekiel [38] is definitely the one thing we must all pay attention to, because that involves Israel. And I believe it also involves the church in a way because, you know, this is a war that I think will eventually bring the world to the place where they will look for the Antichrist to rise, because let’s face it, there is no leader in the world.

“There is a major leadership crisis in the world right now,” he says. “And that is exactly why we see all of these things happening.”

Watch the video above or at this link to understand the prophetic impact of current events, and be sure to watch for Part 2 of this article tomorrow on Charisma News. {eoa}

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