WATCH: SM Lockridge’s Spirit-Filled Words Spark Hope Amid Despair


With the COVID-19 pandemic, political unrest and social injustice rampant, it’s easy to feel discouraged or anxious. Trying times challenge what you believe, especially when what you see doesn’t match what you know. But remember, in times of uncertainty or seeming defeat—”Sunday’s a-comin’!”

Followers of Jesus mourned as the earth was shaken, darkness abounded and Jesus was nailed to the cross to die. Grief gripped their hearts as He was laid to rest in a tomb, sealed away by rock that couldn’t easily be moved. It’s over, they must have thought.

But because that wasn’t the end of His story, this isn’t the end of your story.

The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 8:11 that “the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in [us].” Whatever you may be facing today, choose faith over fear as you’re encouraged by this powerful clip of S. M. Lockridge’s famous sermon here.


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