Why Comedian Chris Tucker Prays for President Trump

Chris Tucker

You may recognize actor/comedian Chris Tucker for his role as Carter in all three Rush Hour movies with Jackie Chan. What you might not know that this multi-talented man is also a committed prayer warrior….

In an interview with Good Morning Britain, Tucker explained his attitude toward President Trump. “I hope he does a good job because I pray for him. I hope he does a great job because we need a good president.” He continued, “we need a lot of things to happen in our country, America. So, I hope tomorrow he wakes up, and he just does the right thing.”

Tucker adopts a biblical posture when it comes to respecting leadership. The apostle Paul highlights this in 1 Timothy, “Therefore I exhort first of all that you make supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings for everyone, for kings and for all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim. 2:1-2).

Tucker is across the pond for his next round of comedy shows in Europe. However, when asked about tackling raunchy comedy bits, Tucker responded with ease. “Being a Christian helps me in comedy. I have to talk about other stuff. Normally, most comics talk about stuff that’s easy” —maybe cussing or saying something raunchy. “I have to dig deeper to find something that’s still funny and not raunchy. It’s harder. I like the challenge.”

Many comedians and entertainers mock President Trump, but Tucker relays his stance with decorum. “I say a little bit of stuff, but I try and encourage him to do the right thing.” He continued, “I want him to be successful; I want him to do that right thing. That’s my whole attitude and in my show, that’s what I talk about.”


This article originally appeared on Movieguide®. Find out what God’s doing in Hollywood!

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