Why ‘Wokeness’ Is a Dangerous ‘Religion’ That Christians Must Fight


The terms “Big Tech,” “censorship” and “cancel culture” have become increasingly common phrases in the current cultural climate.

Just last week, conservative outlet LifeSite News was banned and had all its videos removed from YouTube—causing its some 300,000 followers to lose access to its pro-life videos.

The “woke” media giant is censoring content that doesn’t align with its views. When “woke” once referred to those who sought social justice, it now refers to what author of Hope for This Present Crisis, releasing March 2, 2021, Dr. Michael Youssef, calls a “bullying, self-righteous, pharisaic religion.”

Youssef points out how what happened with Life Site News is an example of wokeness bullying: “Wokeness is a religion. It has no god,” Youssef says. But it “demands absolute faith and mindless obedience. It has creeds and dogmas that no one dares to violate. Its doctrines can change without warning, and any who don’t get the memo will be stoned as heretics.”

Answering in affirmative to the question, “Is wokeness a religion?” Dr. Youssef’s musings highlight the danger of this ideology that operates “without grace or mercy.”

For more information on how Christ-followers can identify wokeness as a dangerous “religion” and combat it with God’s truth and grace, watch this video.

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