Kirk Cameron sat down for an interview with Charisma News.

TONIGHT: Kirk Cameron, Ben Carson, Ravi Zacharias Call The Nation Back to the Altar


Tonight, famed actor Kirk Cameron will join forces with Dr. Ben Carson, Ravi Zacharias, the Kendrick brothers and more for a two-night only event in theaters that will call Christian families back to their roots.

“I think often about the fact that freedom and blessing and protection, these are gifts,” Cameron tells Charisma News about what the Holy Spirit has laid on his heart. “They’re not rights. The food that we eat, the education that we have, these aren’t things we’re entitled to. God graciously gives us good things to enjoy. They’re not free. They cost a lot. They cost the very blood of Christ to reconcile us to God, and they also cost our devotion and our obedience to God.

“We’re a nation that’s straying away from the principles that produced those kinds of blessings, and I want my kids to have those things. I want my kids to be in a nation where godliness and righteousness reign in the nation. I don’t want evil to be called good. I don’t want family, church, education and government to be upside down for them.”

It’s all laid out in Revive Us 2, a one-night only event in theaters Oct. 24. An encore will be held Nov. 1. Other guests include Joni Erickson Tada and Zach Williams.

“It’s a gathering of Christians all over the nation at an important time to sing and to pray, to worship and to discuss something really important,” Cameron says.

The presentation is actually the second of its kind after the smashing success of Revive Us.

After the first event, Cameron says he heard reports of revival-type encounters breaking out in theaters, and he hopes to see this happen again.

“People have been continuing to get involved at the local level with their church, their school, their communities, with their kids. That’s the Christian method of change. It starts by transforming the heart of a person, then the mind of a person and gradually works its way out through your home, your community, all the way out to your borders,” Cameron says.

For tickets and more information about Revive Us 2, click here.


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