Planned Parenthood

911 Call Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Blatant Disregard for Human Life


A disturbing video released by the Pro-Life Action League couples a 911 call from an abortion facility worker with footage of a female patient being hauled away on a stretcher and taken by ambulance from Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Ill. The video sheds light on the recent spate of emergencies at abortion clinics around the country.

In the audio recording of the phone call, the emergency operator tries to elicit information about the patient from the Planned Parenthood employee who placed the call. Despite repeated questioning by the 911 dispatcher, the abortion clinic worker would not give critical information about the patient’s condition.

The following is excerpted from the call:

911 dispatcher: “Okay, what do you need an ambulance for?”

Planned Parenthood staffer: “Um, I was just directed by the doctor to call. I’m not sure what’s going on with the patient.”

911 dispatcher: “OK, can, can you—I need some sort of information.”

Planned Parenthood staffer: “I, I—”

911 dispatcher: “Is there any way—”

Planned Parenthood staffer: “I honestly—”

911 dispatcher: “—you can find that out?”

Planned Parenthood staffer: “Hm?”

The Planned Parenthood employee’s unconcerned tone has drawn strong reaction from Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler, who declared, “Coming on the heels of a young woman’s death at the hands of an abortionist in Cleveland, the recording of this 911 call sheds light on the abortion industry’s pattern of neglect.

“This Planned Parenthood staffer has more to say about what entrance paramedics should use than the status of their patient in a health emergency. Is this how Planned Parenthood ‘cares’?”

Scheidler notes that Planned Parenthood didn’t even bother to call 911 when Tonya Reeves was fatally injured during an abortion at one of their Chicago clinics in 2012. He suspects Planned Parenthood doesn’t want pro-life activists to draw attention to what these 911 calls reveal about how abortion endangers women.

“By saying as little as possible about an emergency—or simply not bothering to call 911—Planned Parenthood is showing that what they really care about is sheltering their abortion business from public scrutiny,” Scheidler says.

Click play below to view the Planned Parenthood 911 call video and read Scheidler’s commentary here.


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