CN Morning Rundown: Rush Limbaugh: Misunderstood, Irreplaceable Champion of Freedom


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Rush Limbaugh: Misunderstood, Adored, Irreplaceable Champion of Freedom

America has been blessed by the work and presence of many fine and brave warriors throughout our history. Few, however, have had such a powerful and personal impact on the lives and freedom of all Americans as has Rush Limbaugh.

1988 seems like yesterday. I remember sitting in my office at Concerned Women for America, listening to a new national sensation: Rush Limbaugh. Life, for conservatives, was good: Ronald Reagan had been president for nearly eight years, and Limbaugh had hit the national scene like a ballistic missile and was growing ever more popular by the hour. Literally, by the hour.

It’s no mistake that the lives of these two giants coincided. Without Reagan, Limbaugh never would have had a path to become a national champion for all that is good and right. Without Limbaugh and his “golden microphone,” Reagan’s now-lasting legacy as a champion for goodness never would have been fully realized. God knew that America needed both men at that precise time in our nation’s history.

Charismatic Pastor Pinpoints When the Rapture Will Happen

Pastor and Bible teacher Jack Hibbs wants every believer to know that the rapture is real; it’s in the Bible, and it is going to happen. He says he even knows when it will happen.

“Jesus Christ is coming back, and the rapture will be on the day that Jesus shouts. That’s your answer as to when,” said Hibbs, the lead pastor at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Chino, California. “Read 1 Thessalonians 4. The day Jesus shouts, that’s the day we’re going to get raptured. The Bible tells us that He is going to come out of His heaven.

“And ‘shout’ is an amazing word,” Hibbs says. “It means ‘to incite.’ When you hear the word ‘incite,’ well, we’ve been conditioned to think of it negatively. A riot, that’s a form of incitement. God uses the word for His Son. When He shouts, it’s going to incite. What is incited? First of all, the bodies of the dead. He’s going to shout, and when he does, the dust will start assembling.

Are Christians to Submit to All Authority?

Immediately following the inauguration of President Joe Biden in January, I had many people tell me, “We have to submit. This is God’s will.”

They would then quote Romans 13:1-2: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”

The Scripture seems pretty clear-cut doesn’t it? But what about the times from history in which it’s not? {eoa}

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