6 Key Events That Will Mark the End of the Age


Chaos in the world today has filled some people with trepidation about future days, but do not fear, Jesus has already claimed victory.

He also told us to be prepared for His return, and the Bible informs us what the days leading up to this monumental event will look like.

In a recent podcast episode, Ricky Scaparo, founder of End Time Headlines, laid out six things that must take place before we will see the end of the age:

1. The gospel of the kingdom has to be preached into all the world as a witness to all nations. “This has to happen,” Scaparo implores. “We, the church, have been given the stewardship the responsibility to take this gospel and preach it around the world.”

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2. The cup of iniquity will become full. “You can find a first reference of this all the way back in in the book of Genesis in chapter 15,” Scaparo reveals. “Picture a cup, okay, and every time the nations commit these acts of defiance against God they’re committing these abominations, it just it keeps filling up this cup.

“…this is what’s going to introduce the Antichrist,” he adds, referencing Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

3. The Rapture is going to happen at the end of the “Church Age.” “Now, why is it going to happen at the end of the church age?” Scaparo asks. “The wrath of God has become full, and God is about to to turn
that cup over, and he’s about to pour out His indignation and wrath.

“He pours it out during a seven-year period on Earth called the ‘Tribulation period’ and your Bible just so happens to say in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9, ‘for God did not appoint us the church to wrath but to obtain salvation to our Lord Jesus Christ,'” he continues.

4. There is a set number of Gentiles who will be saved. “This is another end time trigger for the ‘End of the Age,'” Scaparo says. “Now this will likely coincide with Matthew 24:14 where when this Gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world. There’s a set number of Gentiles that comes into the kingdom.

“Why?” he adds. “So that all Israel be saved,” (Rom. 11:25-26).

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5. All of the prophecies that have been spoken of regarding Israel must be fulfilled. “Israel must be reborn as a nation, May 14, 1947, Israel. The capital Jerusalem must be restored, Six Day War, was fulfilled. Israel must blossom again. It was fulfilled through what prophet Isaiah said. The Jews would begin to come back to their land just as…Ezekiel talked about, that they would return back into their homeland,” Scaparo says.

“All of these prophecies concerning Israel, nearly everyone has been fulfilled.”

6. The end of days, latter day outpouring of the Holy Ghost. “We’re presently in this. Just because we don’t see this happen in America doesn’t mean it’s [not] happening,” Scaparo says. “I believe that God is pouring out [His] Spirit where there is willing hearts where there is recipients that are wanting it. That are hungry for God. That [are] hungering and thirsting after righteousness.”

As followers of Christ, we are called to discern the signs of the times with spiritual vigilance, understanding the urgency of the days we live in. While the world grows darker and confusion abounds, we must stand firm in the truth of God’s Word, not as passive observers but as active participants in His mission. Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples, sharing the hope of the gospel with boldness and love. Let us not shrink back in fear but rise up in faith, bringing light to the darkness and pointing others to the eternal hope found in Christ alone.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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