Why Government Dependence Will Result in Universal Basic Poverty—and Destroy America


Almost everywhere you go these days, you’ll see businesses that remain closed following the 2020 “Scam-demic” and the leftist coup of our nation during what Biden called “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

Mainstream media and the most popular social media sites cover for the current resident of the White House, saying it was merely a “slip of the tongue,” and that Biden meant to say the exact opposite of what he actually said.

What else is new?

Many of the businesses that are open now have limited hours. They’re closed part of the week, and when they are open, they have reduced hours of operation. Most fast-food restaurants still have their dining rooms closed—it’s drive-thru only. I expect this to remain as the “new normal.”

After all, they’re still raking in the same amount of money. But now they don’t have to pay workers to clean the dining room, stock the dining room supplies or tend to dine-in patrons’ needs. You just get your food in a bag and eat it in your car.

Everywhere I go, I see signs begging for employees. I’ve spoken to many business owners and managers over the past few months, and their biggest problem right now is finding workers. “Nobody wants to work anymore,” they lament. “We can’t find workers, and it’s crippling our business. If this continues, we’ll soon be out of business!”

They post signs on the door asking patrons to “Please be patient. We are short staffed and doing the best we can.”

In the last couple of weeks, new signs have sprung up in front of many stores and restaurants that read, essentially, “Thank you to our employees—they’re the real heroes!” I’ve also been told that it’s proper now to go out of your way to thank every worker you see in every business you enter—simply for working. You’re supposed to thank the employees for coming to work.

I’ve also been told that when dining out, it’s expected that you tip your server a substantially higher amount than you normally would, regardless of the quality of service they provide—and even perhaps write a note on the bill saying, “Thank you for working!”

Really? Now, I have no problem saying “thank you” to someone who helps me in a store or who checks out my groceries. It’s just polite to do that. But thanking people just for coming in to work because so many refuse to work and have no intention of going back to work anytime soon? Something about that just doesn’t sit right with me.

The problem is that our federal and state governments have been doling out free money to people for not working. In March, Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, providing more free money and other benefits through Sept. 6. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if politicians put together yet another program to keep people dependent on their government handouts. It’s already been discussed.

And why not? This is how they’ve kept millions enslaved in the inner-city slums for decades, creating multigenerational welfare dependents. This creates a lack of personal responsibility, a trait that’s passed on to the children and grandchildren. The system provides free cash, housing, education, healthcare and more. There’s no incentive for people within a system like this to get a job, set any goals for the future or seek a better life … so they don’t. Now, it seems our politicians have decided to take their inner-city ghetto program nationwide.

Understand, I have no problem helping the poor and needy. But I prefer a “hand up” rather than continuous hand-outs. Further, it should be the Christian churches helping the poor, not the government.

When government does it, it’s simply a redistribution of financial resources. In other words, it’s theft. The government steals the paychecks of the workers, so they can enslave the non-workers, lulling them into a mind-numbed sense of entitlement and complacency. These non-workers subsist on their government “benefit” checks, and they’re happy with that arrangement. As I said, it creates an attitude of entitlement. But let’s be clear on this: These are not “benefits.”

“Benefits” are things you get with a job. A good job will include a benefits package as part of one’s salary. You work; you get paid; and a generous employer will include additional benefits as rewards for your hard work and dedication to helping build the company. So these aren’t benefits, and they certainly aren’t benefitting anyone, except the politicians seeking to dumb people down and keep them controlled.

The new world order globalists, led by Klaus Schwab, among others, have a plan, and it’s been unfolding right before our sleepy, ignorant eyes for a while now. They call it “equity,” or “a universal basic income.” Let me translate that for you: What they really mean is “universal basic poverty and dependence.”

When people are dependent on their rulers for their basic needs, like food, shelter and clothing, they’re much easier to control. And like the “Planned-demic,” this, too, is all about control. Schwab has stated openly that soon no one will own anything. Personal property and private homes will be eliminated—and, he says, we will “like it that way.” I suppose once these insane tyrants have everyone dependent upon their good graces, most people will, indeed, be happy to comply with whatever they command.

Understand: This is all about control. If you think the government is helping you, you better open your eyes to the bigger picture. As I’ve stated before, the mouse in the trap didn’t understand why the cheese was “free” either.

All of this is also part of the globalist plan to further destroy our economy and bring about hyperinflation. With so few people actually working, our supply chains have suffered serious repercussions. It’s hard to get needed supplies these days, and that scenario is only going to get worse. Just look at the price of goods and services today, compared to a year ago this time. {eoa}

To continue reading this article, visit wisconsinchristiannews.com.

Rob Pue is an ordained minister and the founder and publisher of Wisconsin Christian News, a national Christian newspaper based in Wisconsin. He writes a monthly commentary for WCN and can also be heard twice weekly, (Tuesdays and Saturdays) nationwide on the VCY America Radio Network, (as well as several other independent stations), with his From the Editor’s Desk commentaries.

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