Spirit-Filled Pastor: At What Point Does the Church Take a Stand?
At what point does the church take a stand? Thank God for people like John MacArthur, Rob McCoy, Jack Hibbs, Ken Graves and others who are fanning the flames of boldness.
I believe that if some churches don’t require wearing masks, they won’t open at all, especially once flu season arrives as those who have the flu will then be suspected as having COVID. The agenda is crystal-clear to those who are looking through the right lens—a biblical lens.
But what about submitting to authorities? In America, the Constitution—which our elected representatives are to defend and administer—is our governing document. The context of submitting to authorities in 1 Peter and Romans 13 is that the government would punish those who do wrong and commend those who do right, as well as uphold the Constitution (in America’s case).
Many of our politicians and government officials are actually doing the complete opposite—and defying the Constitution in many ways. {eoa}
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