How to Protect Your Kids From Today’s Progressive Propaganda


With radicals indoctrinating schoolchildren into anti-American values systems within our education establishments, bestselling author Dr. Michael Youssef, in his latest book, Hope for This Present Crisis, offers hope and advice to parents on how to empower their children in order to protect them from the onslaught of evil permeating our present culture.

“With progressives controlling the agenda for our schools, we have been inundated by such things as critical race theory being pushed in schools,” Youssef says. “Thankfully, parents across the country are fighting back, making their objections heard loud and clear. We also see ‘The 1619 Project‘ being taught in some schools, along with pornographic sex education and the LQBTQ agenda being forced upon our children.”

The common theme is that history is being characterized falsely—with historical incidents such as the Boston Tea Party literally being re-written to portray the Sons of Liberty —freedom fighters—as terrorists, while true terrorists, like Al Qaeda, are portrayed as “freedom fighters.”

“The result is that American schoolchildren are being lied to—and our country is being deceived,” Youssef says. “Biblical prophecy from Isaiah 5:20 is unfolding right before our eyes: ‘Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.’

“People who portray freedom fighters as terrorist and terrorists as freedom fighters should not be allowed within a thousand miles of our children’s education,” he adds.

Youssef reveals major problems with the Common Core curriculum, adopted across the country, developed with funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, implemented by the Obama adminis­tration and the National Governors Association, with formative influence by Bill Ayers, the radical leader of the 1960s domestic terror group, the Weather Underground.

In his book, Youssef references C.S. Lewis’ classic work of literature, Screwtape Proposes a Toast, a 1959 sequel to The Screwtape Letters (1942), in which Lewis predicted the state of public education today. Lewis “depicts the devil Screwtape plotting to destroy young minds through a corrupted public education system … [he] outlines Screwtape’s plan for our children. We are living in Screwtape’s world—a world in which nearly all education is state-run education, and the govern­ment school system seeks to eradicate all competition, including homeschooling. As Christians, we are at war with Screwtape and his ilk.”

Youssef advises parents to be aware of these forces at school that seek to reshape their children’s beliefs and to stay attuned to what their children are being taught. He advises them to ask children questions about their day and what they are learning (dinnertime is an excellent time for these conversations).

Youssef also advises parents to “Empower your children to be bold Christian witnesses at school. Pray with them and help them memorize Scripture. Encourage them to speak openly about their faith. Every day, when you send your children to school, ask for God’s protection over them. Go into your children’s bedroom at night and pray over them as they sleep. Ask God to armor-plate your children against the attacks of Satan and this fallen world.

“We are fighting for the souls of a generation,” Youssef says. “And the fight goes on.”

Hope for This Present Crisis is published by FrontLine, an imprint of Charisma House, and is available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, BAM, and Leading The Way.

Dr. Michael Youssef was born in Egypt and lived in Lebanon and Australia before coming to the United States and fulfilling a childhood dream of becoming an American citizen. He holds degrees from Moore College in Sydney, Australia, and Fuller Theological Seminary in California, with a Ph.D. in social anthropology from Emory University. He founded The Church of The Apostles, which was the launching pad for Leading The Way’s international ministry. Dr. Youssef has authored more than 50 books, including popular titles like Jesus, Jihad and Peace and Saving Christianity?

Youssef is the host of the popular TV and radio broadcast Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef, which airs more than 13,000 times every week across six continents in 26 languages—reaching audiences in nearly every major city in the world. His programs attract tens of millions of viewers weekly in the U.S. on major TV networks, including TBN, Daystar, Fox Business, Lifetime, GOD TV, CTN, NRB TV and more.

Equipped with a keen understanding of the Bible, the Middle East, sociological trends in the Western world and popular Christian worldview issues, Youssef is a sought-after voice whose expertise is regularly requested on both secular and Christian media, including Huckabee, Fox & Friends, Eric Metaxas, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Christian Post, Fox News, Hannity, Glenn Beck, The 700 Club and more. He and his wife reside in Atlanta and have four grown children and 10 grandchildren. {eoa}

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