Everyone Needs to Read This Book Right Away


“For God is not the author of confusion” (1Cor. 14:33), but He is the revealer of it!

Today’s societal situation is a throwback to what happened in the Book of Acts. “The assembly was confused. Therefore, some cried out on one thing and some another and most of them did not know why they had come together” (Acts 19:32).

“Is it OK to say a certain thing or will I be canceled? Is this politically correct? Am I being intolerant, racist, bigoted or will I be ostracized for offending someone?”

The federal government uses terms like Tomahawk missiles, Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, code names like Geronimo to target terrorists but Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians are anathema and must be erased. I’m going to see an Atlanta Braves game and just watched the Florida Seminoles play… could I be fired and my career canceled?

Should NBC remove “The Wizard of Oz” because it’s offensive to people without brains?

Should Payday candy bars be pulled from the shelves to not offend those out of work?

How about ordering black coffee … eating brownies … going to White Castle or Cracker Barrel?

Can we still play Chinese checkers?

Recently, I went to a movie theater where I engaged with a Korean girl at the concession stand telling her we adopted a Korean daughter and that kimchi was her favorite food. Exiting the theater. I was rebuked by a minority employer who confronted me on my “inappropriate” speech and “insensitivity” to her Asian ethnicity.

Today, I received an email from a friend of mine who “dared” to express differences with a school board. He was arrested by police who came to his home and took him to jail. I’m not kidding!

A few years ago, I was terminated in a church having been warned that if I did a biblically-based video presentation on the sanctity of marriage to equip people on the looming threat of same-sex marriage it would be a “deal breaker.” The leader told me they “did not want to go there because they had previously received some death threats over a controversial song a pastor’s wife sang.” Meeting with him and a fellow leader in the city, I inquired what’s the best way to conclude my visible role in the church and was told “Just don’t come back.”

Last night, I had a most enlightening conversation with Steve Strang, who just released a phenomenal book on these disturbing developments in our culture and what we must do for our future before it’s too late. I believe everyone needs to read God and Cancel Culture to be biblically informed and inspired for the battle rapidly unfolding in our day.

7 Reasons to Read This Book
Communist leader Vladimir Lenin said, “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” We are living in just such a time and we must be equipped as things are advancing at warp speed on our watch. Here’s why you need to read this timely book and recommend it to your family, friends and flock (if you’re a pastor).

1. Strang is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author who draws upon a lifetime of experience and outstanding interviews to provide insights to help us in this critical time.

2. We must be informed, inspired influencers not indifferent, ignorant individuals so we’re on the front lines in this evil day. “Therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13).

3. The time has come to be awakened to the gravity of the situation so we serve with a sense of urgency and destiny in our generation. “David served the purpose of God in his own generation and then he fell asleep” (Acts 13:36).

4. God is stirring our hearts to recognize the very real threat to our freedoms as a Judeo-Christian nation. 64% of Americans believe “Cancel Culture” is a threat to their freedom including 80% of those identifying as Republicans!

5. In this age of “information explosion” and multitudes of books, we must be selective and discerning to recognize an obvious gift from God to help us specifically with a specific situation threatening all of us. “Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness to the flesh” (Eccl. 12:12b).

6. This much-needed book provides prophetic and practical revelation for us to follow to remain successful in the day of battle. “No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall condemn” (Is. 54:17).

7. In this dark hour, we need resources and leaders to help us persevere. I highly recommend two, starting with Steve Strang and his new book, God and Cancel Culture.

Listen to my 4 podcasts exclusively with Steve on “Here’s the Deal ” on the Charisma Podcast Network. Steve shares current examples and excellent insights to give us hope to recall God’s interventions throughout America’s covenantal history. “Thus says the Lord: stand in the way and see, and ask for the old paths where the good way is and walk in it, and you shall find rest for your souls” (Jer. 6:16).

I also encourage you to consider the amazing story of Dr. Ming Wang, world-renowned eye surgeon, Harvard & MIT PhD. Dr. Wang, whose forthcoming movie, “Sight” chronicles his incredible journey from China to America. His perseverance and courageous stand against discrimination enabled him to design technology restoring sight to millions worldwide! To promote the film, he’s available for presentations to churches and organizations in person or on Zoom at no cost [contact [email protected]].

Here’s the Deal: The Bible teaches we are “not fighting against flesh and blood” (Eph. 6:12) so we must recognize that those who espouse biblical principles will be resisted with ferocity at the end of the age just as throughout history. Get started on a pathway to victory by availing yourself of these resources and leaders as we stand in what Scripture calls the “evil day” (Eph. 613). {eoa}

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