The Powerful Secrets Behind the Story of the Manger


Is there a fascinating biblical mystery behind the story of the manger?

In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Byron Stinson explained the historical importance of the nativity and fascinating insights on the archaeological background of the manger itself.

“In Micah 5 it says, ‘Blessed are you Bethlehem Ephrathah, for unto you shall be the place where this Messiah will be born,'” Stinson says.

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Stinson points out that this land of Bethlehem is the place of Jesus’ family lineage, where Ruth and Boaz married, the lineage of David emerged, making the land of Bethlehem critical for the prophetic purpose of Jesus’ birth. Stinson says this place also held great significance for temple sacrifices as well.

“So in this place,” Stinson says, “Solomon went and he had made a facility of pure limestone running from east the west, just like the tabernacle tent, same size as the tabernacle tent, divided like the tabernacle tent with an outer court, a holy place and a holy of holies, and in that place is where these special Lambs of God were raised up for one year before they would be taken to the temple, both the Passover Lamb…[and] the Yom Kippur lambs were raised in this place.”

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Stinson says through his relationships with archaeologists in the land, he’s had the opportunity to take many pastors to the fields of Bethlehem where Solomon held these great responsibilities. Here he says is the place where the manger of Jesus Christ can be located.

“…the actual manger, which was made of stone and by the way, it’s a double manger because it has two animals you’re raising, so the double manger was found there in this exact place, so it’s the place that confirms what the Bible tells us about this extraordinary event of angels coming and saying to the shepherds, which are priestly shepherds, ‘Be happy, be joyful for unto you is born the One that is going to bring salvation to the world,'” Stinson says.

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Stinson explains that what would happen at the time of the sacrifice is that the perfect lamb would be taken, wrapped in swaddling cloths to make sure no blemishes or harm would come to the lamb until the time for the sacrifice came. In a similar way, Christ, who is the perfect Lamb of God, was wrapped in swaddling cloths when He was born.

With Christmas approaching in just a couple of days, let’s take the time to reflect and thank God for this great gift of sending His only Son in the form of a baby to be born in a stable and placed in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes, ready to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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