‘The Pandemic Will Not Eventually Go Away,’ Michael Snyder Says—for This End-Times Reason


We’ve heard it again and again: The pandemic will eventually go away. If we follow the CDC recommendations. If we fully quarantine. If we wear masks. If we avoid crowds. If we get the vaccine. And now, if we get the booster. If we do all these things, the pandemic will eventually go away.

Not so, cultural commentator Michael Snyder tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It’s not going away,” Snyder says, and believers should recognize it as part of the prophesied end-times signs.

“In fact, just over the weekend, the head of Pfizer went on ABC News, and he told George Stephanopoulos …. ‘What we believe is going to be the scenario is that every year, people are going to have to get their COVID shots, because by now, it’s apparent to everyone, if you get these vaccines, any immunity you get from it is very, very temporary,'” Snyder explains.

Snyder says getting the vaccine and the subsequent boosters is “like playing Russian roulette every time with your health. .. people want protection from the COVID. But basically, where it’s becoming apparent, now it’s going to be with us like the flu is, on a permanent basis. People are going to have to get their shots permanently; that means we’re going to be talking about masks; we’re going to be talking about mandates; we’re going to be talking about all these things on a permanent basis moving forward. So it’s going to be with us and affect our lives, not just a year, not just two years—there’s no real light at the end of the tunnel for this pandemic. And that’s really bad news.

“But then on the other hand, Jesus told us in last days, there are going to be pestilences,” he says. “So if we’re in the last days, we should expect pestilences to come, and there are going to be more in the future, unfortunately. But this is the reality of the world that we now live in.

Snyder also points to a recent prophecy by Heidi Baker as reported on Charisma News, in which God showed her His glory—but also revealed tremendous suffering in America.

Baker, he says, “has real supernatural experience with God where God shows her things. … she’s so focused on love and helping the children in Mozambique, and she has a wonderful ministry. … But she’s not normally focused on judgment or bad things or things that are going to come. So when she is shown something by the Lord, that really gets my attention.”

Snyder says people need to take note that we are moving into the end times: “Not that we need to ball up in a corner and say, ‘Oh, I feel so sorry for myself; these are such horrible times.’ But these are the end times; bad things are going to happen. But God can use us in the midst of this if we understand what’s going on.”

7 Year ApocalypseTo hear more about the end-times struggles people are currently facing across the globe and how God can use us to bring in the great final harvest, listen to the entire episode of Greenelines at this link and subscribe to Greenelines on your favorite podcast platform for more informative stories like this one. Check out Snyder’s most recent book, 7-Year Apocalypse, wherever fine books are sold. {eoa}

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