The Democrats’ ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’


Within a span of 24 hours earlier this week, three prominent Democrats made the announcement that they were retiring from the U.S. House of Representatives, leaving huge holes in the party’s attempt to keep control as the mid-term elections approach in November 2022.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy of Florida, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard of California and Rep. Albio Sires of New Jersey all announced they would not seek their current offices again in the 2022 election. This puts the Democrats’ hold on the razor-thin majority in the House in serious jeopardy as well as Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) seat as speaker of the house.

Overall, a total of 22 Democrats have now said they would either retire or run for a different office in 2022. Both Murphy’s and Sires’ district were set to undergo redistricting measures, but Murphy, who serves as co-chair of the moderate Democratic caucus known as the Blue Dog Coalition, said her bowing out did not come out of “fear of losing reelection.”

Murphy’s announcement came one day after moderate Democrat Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., struck a major blow to President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats by saying he could not support the party’s near $2 trillion spending bill (Build Back Better).

In response to Murphy’s news, the National Republican Congressional Committee—the reelection arm of the House GOP—argued that “between Build Back Better collapsing and an unmitigated retirement crisis, this is truly the Democrats’ nightmare before Christmas,” Fox News reported.

During his time in Congress, Sires has been a close confidant to Pelosi, voting with her 100% of the time to help pass partisan agenda items. {eoa}

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