Retired Pentecostal Pastor: ‘We’re Not Dealing with Mickey Anymore’


Florida’s legislature and governor recently passed and approved the Parental Rights in Education act, which will prohibit classroom instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in grades kindergarten through third.

When Floridians read or hear the actual wording of the simple bill (that never even uses the word “gay”), they have indicated support for it 2 to 1, acknowledging parents’ right to protect their young children from unnecessary exposure to such sensitive and sensational concerns.

But leftist progressives and “woke” iconoclasts conveniently ignore the limited scope of this legislation and protest it as a free speech issue for adults. Others, including Disney’s corporate president Karey Burke, want young children (who still have their baby teeth!) to be instructed in sexualized content that most affected parents resist and renounce as vastly inappropriate for these young ages.

Now, the iconic California-based Walt Disney Company seeks to protest the Floridian legislation and politicize the family values of American parents, who have been the foundation of its amazingly successful entertainment empire for nearly 100 years.

Even Disney heiress Abigail Disney has weighed in on the new Florida law requiring “age-appropriate” lessons for K-3 students, calling it “hateful” and its supporters “sociopaths” who should “sit quietly along the sidelines.” Ms. Disney, by the way, does not live in Florida, and the bill has nothing to do with her family’s namesake business(es).

Wrongfully dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” act, the woke press and left-leaning politicians (plus privileged heiresses) have consistently mischaracterized the law’s language and intent.

Disney’s transitioning from a family-friendly company into a very culturally woke and politicized bully is very alarming. It goes way beyond their left-wing advocacy in opposition to parents’ rights legislation in Florida. No longer the guardian of children’s innocence, Disney’s leftward lurch seems to include intentionally sexualizing our culture, from young adults down to young children.

Alert parents have observed Disney’s descent into sexualized content with PG ratings for several years. But now, many of Disney’s producers and influencers publicly brag about how they strategically insert “queerness” (their word) into their themes, characters and content as often as possible. One parent says, “Disney has now transformed into a political propaganda machine that grooms children for abortions and sexual promiscuity.”

The new, sexualized Disney is streaming directly to a home near you, exclusively on Disney+. Our parental (and grand-parental) concerns need to motivate us to actively protect our children and young teens. Exert PG — Parental Guidance — and remove the toxic sources. As the above-mentioned parent declared, “We are not dealing with Mickey anymore!”

Godly wisdom for such a time as this is found for all age groupings in King David’s Psalm 19:14 (NKJV): “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.” {eoa}

Gary Curtis served in full-time ministry for 50 years, the last 27 years of which he was part of the pastoral staff of The Church on The Way, the Van Nuys, California, Foursquare church. Now retired, Gary continues to write a weekly blog at and frequent articles for digital and print platforms.

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