CN Morning Rundown: Kelsey Grammer to Star in Film About Spiritual RevolutionThat Changed America


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Kelsey Grammer to Star in Film About Spiritual Revolution That Changed America

Actor Kelsey Grammer will star in the true story of a national spiritual awakening that took place in Southern California during the 1960s and 1970s.

The film is titled Jesus Revolution and it revolves around Pastor Greg Laurie who set out to redefine truth. He ended up meeting a hippie street preacher named Lonnie Frisbee, who will be portrayed by The Chosen’s Jonathan Roumie.

Laurie and Frisbee connect with Grammer’s character, Pastor Chuck Smith, who opens up his church to other hippies and seekers. A great spiritual revival occurs at the church, leading to what became known as the Jesus Revolution.

How the Fight for Prayer Continues, Even After Supreme Court Victory

Assistant high school football coach Joe Kennedy was fired from Bremerton High School in 2015 for kneeling in prayer after games. He started doing this by himself, but later would be joined by other coaches and players, none of whom were coerced into joining him.

Coach Kennedy would be vindicated seven years later in 2022, when the Supreme Court took his case and ruled in his favor 6-3. The freedom to pray and worship had been protected by the highest court in the country, but it would not be long until that same freedom would come under attack again.

Now, Cambridge Christian School is taking the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) to court, again. This is due to the decision to deny two Christian schools from saying a prayer over the loudspeaker at their state championship game in 2015.

Kentucky Governor Invokes Scripture to Comfort Flood Victims

Kentucky’s governor says he’s leaning on the hope of the gospel as his state recovers from devastating floods.

During a tour of the widespread flood damage in Eastern Kentucky with the President and first lady, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear recited Scripture as he pointed to God’s ever-present help in times of trouble.

“In the book of Joshua, God says, ‘be strong and courageous, do not be frightened, do not be dismayed; for the Lord God is with you wherever you go,'” Gov. Beshear said. {eoa}


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