WATCH: Kanye West Talks Pro-Life and Living With an Audience of One


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Just coming back from Paris Fashion week with a lanyard draped around him, Kanye West sat down with Tucker Carlson to share his stance on pro-life, living for God and manipulation in Hollywood. Around his neck was a photograph of a baby’s ultrasound that he designed to represent his stance on pro-life.

Unapologetic for his beliefs, West says he doesn’t care what anyone has to say about him. “I don’t care about people’s responses. I care about the fact that there’s more black babies being aborted than born in New York City,” he says. For someone who is often portrayed as crazy by the media, he spoke eloquently on his love for God and desire to live a life pleasing to the Father.

“It’s like David, he tended to the sheep but while he was out there he had to fight all kinds of animals. So when it was time for Goliath to come he thought because he was a sheep herder, that he didn’t have the skill set to take down Goliath,” West says.

West, like few other outspoken celebrities are facing the modern day Goliath of “cancel culture” for standing up for biblical values. Tucker Carlson asks West when he started to open his eyes and realize what was going on in our world today. When President Donald Trump was initially running for office, West liked him early on.

“Every single person in Hollywood from my ex-wife, to my mother-in-law at the time, to my manager, you know, my so called friends and handlers around me told me if I said that I like Trump, that my career would be over,” West says. The artist says people even threatened him for wearing a MAGA hat.

Now, the latest controversy is his ‘White Lives Matter’ t-shirt that he wore with Candace Owens. West asked his dad if he thought the shirt would be funny. His dad says, “Just a black man stating the obvious.” For West, it is an obvious statement that white lives matter because to him all lives matter, including those in the womb.

In the explosive interview he talks about finding his power through God. “God is alive, God is of order, the devil is of chaos,” he says. West addressed the glorification of obesity in culture today, group mobs, the media, Kim Kardashian’s ties to the Clinton’s and modesty.

It’s incredible to see someone willing to endure the hateful and slanderous words for the sake of Jesus and the gospel. Nobody is perfect. Kanye West has a global platform that reaches multitudes of people through his creativity and outspoken nature. He is now using that platform to glorify God and stand for truth—even when it’s hard.

In the Bible you read about the moments where the apostles preached to the crowds and thousands were saved. You also read about Stephen who the Bible says was a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. God used Stephen to perform great signs and wonders among the people, but adversaries rose up against Stephen and Acts 6:10 says, “But they were not able to withstand the wisdom and Spirit by which he spoke.”

Those men secretly instigated others to speak out lies about Stephen. The elders arrested Stephen and took him before the Sanhedrin where they set up false witnesses. Stephen arose in boldness and was unashamed to tell the council they are “uncircumcised in heart” and “always resisting the Holy Spirit.”

Stephen was stoned to death for speaking the truth, but in turn he received the greatest reward. Acts 7:55-56 says, “But being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, ‘Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.'”

We live in an hour where our Christian beliefs are no longer popular. You have a choice to make today. If you live a life for the glory of God you will face pushback. People will slander your name and make you look crazy. As Christians our treasures aren’t of this world, we don’t seek the approval of man. Our treasure is eternal life with Jesus, the one who came, bled and died on the cross for our sins. Rejoice in persecution for His sake, He is worthy of everything.

Pray for Kanye West, as he stands up against the secular community that God would strengthen him and shower him with His love. {eoa}

Shelby Lindsay is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.


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