7 Deuteronomy Blessings (or Curses) on the Ballot This Election


Note: This is the first of a two-part series.

Read Time: 6 Minutes

In Deuteronomy 28, God—through Moses—laid out some blessings or curses that the Israelites would encounter in the Promised Land, contingent on whether they were obedient or disobedient to God’s instructions.

Of course, we Christians like to cherry-pick our favorite blessing to put on our refrigerator. Have you ever seen this one?: “The Lord will send on you cursing, confusion and rebuke in all that you set your hand to do, until you are destroyed,” (Deut. 28:20)? Probably not.

But it is just as much God’s promise as the blessings if we “do not obey the voice of the Lord” (v. 15).

It is also true that “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us” (Gal. 3:13). But we are not immune from all curses automatically just because we have it stuck on our refrigerator.

Can you imagine trying to drive a car that has a manual transmission like it is an automatic? As it winds tighter and tighter in first gear, you just keep on accelerating expecting it to shift. Guess what? It is not going to shift by itself because it wasn’t designed that way.

All the mechanical structure you need is there, but you have to take the initiative to shift it. And if you don’t you’re going to tear up a perfectly good transmission.

On Nov. 8, we can’t just sit on our couch and pray. Although that would be a good thing to do, “…faith without works is dead” (James 2:26). We must get out to the polls and vote. I think that’s more important in this election than any other election in my lifetime, maybe in the history of our republic.

In some respects, this election we will be voting for the blessings or curses listed in Deuteronomy 28. They might as well appear on the ballots as shown below. And if they were, which box would you check?

  • The Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth (v. 1)
  • You shall become troublesome to all the kingdoms of the earth. (v. 25)

By the grace of God, the United States has been set high above all nations of the earth for many decades. But under the Biden administration, we are being mocked by other countries of the world.

Australian columnist, Rita Panahi, said of Biden, “[He] needs a retirement home and a warm bowl of soup, not access to the nuclear codes.”

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to correct Biden’s gaffe at the G7 Summit in the U.K.

French President Emmanuel Macron scolded Biden for invoking the possibility of nuclear “Armageddon.” Macron went on to say, “We must speak with prudence when commenting on such matters.”

Nothing will change in Biden’s mental faculties after Nov. 8, but with a Republican-controlled House and Senate, they can at least keep him in check and prevent some of his disastrous policies. And if need be, they can invoke the 25th Amendment or even an impeachment.

  • Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country (v. 3)
  • Cursed shall you be in the city, and cursed shall you be in the country (v.16)

Crime in our big cities is off the charts. After examining data from our major cities from May 2021 to May 2022, Fox News reported a 40% increase in violent crimes in New York City. The city recorded 43,244 violent crimes during that period. Chicago’s violent crimes were up 35% during that period. Seattle’s were up 23% and Washington D.C.’s up 21%. The list goes on and on.

Make no mistake. This drastic increase in crime in our cities is predominately the Democrats’ fault for endorsing both the George Floyd riots and subsequently the Defund the Police movement. Democrat candidates up for re-election are trying to distance themselves from those movements, but we have them on tape. Representative Jim Banks (IN-R) pointed out a great quote by Maya Angelou: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Moreover, the Democrats want to abolish our Second Amendment rights, which would only exacerbate the crime problem. If you want to be “blessed in the city,” vote Republican.

There’s also another big problem going on in the country. China is buying up American farmland at an unprecedented rate. They have purchased over $6 billion worth of real estate in our country, the majority of that being farmland. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is strongly against it. According to a New York Post article, DeSantis said, “I think the problem is these companies have ties to the CCP, and it’s not always apparent on the face of whatever a company is doing—but I think it’s a huge problem.”

Fufeng Group, a Shandong, China-based company recently bought 300 acres of farmland near Grand Forks, North Dakota, only a 20-minute drive from Grand Forks Air Force Base, where some of our most sophisticated drone technology is based. Coincidence?

I want to be fair and tell you that there’s some bi-partisan support on this issue. However, Republicans have had a much stronger ‘tough on China’ stance than Democrats. And there’s been overwhelming proof that Joe Biden is compromised with the CCP because of his son Hunter’s corrupt dealings in China. We need Republican oversight in Congress over this administration to put the brakes on giving up our farmlands to China.

  • Blessed shall be the fruit of your body (v. 4)
  • Cursed shall be the fruit of your body (v. 18)

These verses are speaking of having children. What could be more blessed for the fruit of your body than carrying them full-term to the miracle of birth? And what could be more cursed for the fruit of your body than to abort them?

In the United States alone, we have wiped out an entire nation through abortion. In fact, the 60 million abortions since 1973 in the USA alone would make up a greater population than the population of South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Argentina or Canada and is rapidly approaching the populations of the United Kingdom, France and Italy.

The Democrats are unilaterally responsible for this tragedy. Let’s be clear. With very few exceptions, the Democrat Party is the party of abortion, and the Republican Party is the party of pro-life. Thank God for the overturning of Roe this year. That’s a big step, but our work has only begun. We should not rest until abortion is looked upon as the atrocity it really is.

Biden pledged, “In these midterm elections it is so critical to elect more Democratic senators to the United States Senate and more Democrats to keep control of the House of Representatives. If we do that, here’s the promise I make to you and the American people: The first bill I will send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade.” {eoa}

Stay tuned for part 2 of this series later this week.

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Nolan Lewallen, a retired pilot of a major airline, lives near Stephenville, Texas. Nolan’s two greatest passions are the Bible and politics. His new book, “The Integration of Church & State: How We Transform ‘In God We Trust’ From Motto to Reality,” brings the two together.


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