Pastor Greg Locke and Family Threatened by ‘Witchcraft-Practicing Psycho’


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Staying true to his convictions as a purveyor of the gospel of Jesus Christ, Pastor Greg Locke says he won’t let up on his duty to preach the truth, even in the face of what he called threats by “witchcraft-practicing psycho.”

The founder and senior pastor of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, Locke tweeted earlier this week that his family had been publicly threatened with death. He’s taken measures to protect his family.

“Extra security is at my home and a police report has been filed,” Locke tweeted. “Speaking truth makes enemies. I WON’T BE SILENT.”

Locke’s Twitter account had been suspended after the social media giant said he allegedly spread misinformation regarding the COVID pandemic. His account was recently part of the mass reactivation of suspended accounts led by new Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s push for free speech.

He was also censored by YouTube earlier this year after they accused him of “violating community guidelines.”

“I may be against the left and all of their ideologies, but I’m for the First Amendment and I don’t want the left silenced. I don’t want people who disagree with me to be silenced.”

In 2021 during the COVID pandemic, Locke repeatedly called COVID a hoax and refused to comply with government mandates from public health officials.

He took his defiance further by taking aim at the wearing of masks during his services.

“Don’t believe this Delta variant nonsense. Stop it. If you start showing up with all of these masks and nonsense, I will ask you to leave,” Locke told his congregation. “I am not playing this Democrat games up in this church. If you want to social distance … don’t come to this church. I’m done with it. I ain’t playing these stupid games.”

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News earlier this month, Locke said that he has been seeking the Lord’s guidance about the word “acceleration.” Locke says God is awakening his people and getting them ready for the return of Jesus, referencing Matthew 25:2-3, which reads, “Five of them were wise and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps, but took no oil with them. But the wise took jars of oil with their lamps.” {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.

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