Carman Takes Street Kid Approach to Fighting Cancer


When Carman was diagnosed with terminal cancer in February, it stunned him. It was sort of like when he was a kid getting beat up by big bullies with hard fists.

“When I was a kid, I lived in a very rough neighborhood. I developed a street mentality about my approach to life,” recalled Carman, whose birth name is Carman Licciardello. “Sometimes I would get beat up in school, come home, lick my wounds and cry. My brother, Mario, always told me I had to go back after the guy and let them know they messed with the wrong Italian. Well, the devil has messed with the wrong Italian!”

After several months of constant colds and fatigue, doctors diagnosed Carman with myeloma in February. Myeloma, a cancer of the plasma cells, is deadly. Doctors gave him three or four years to live. But Carman, who has recorded 15 gold and platinum albums and videos and has sold more than 10 million records, refuses to go down without an all-out war with the devil.

“I’m going back after the devil. If he wants to come after me, I’m going after him,” Carman said in an exclusive interview with Charisma News. “I’ve always had this concept of spiritual warfare. I am going to make a determination that if, in fact, I only have three good years then I am going to make them count.”

Stay tuned for the next installment of this exclusive interview series with Carman and find out how he plans to make the most of every day in life.

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