Could 2025 Finally be the Year of Breakthrough?


What kinds of new things will the church see in the year 2025?

During the prophetic summit at Oasis Church, Tom and Jane Hamon revealed what God is showing them for our current time and season.

A Time of Divine Fulfillment

The Hamons emphasized that just as Jesus came at the appointed time, God is now positioning His people for prophetic fulfillment. In this season, believers must recognize the divine alignments God is orchestrating to bring His promises to pass.

“I hear the Lord saying, ‘As it was in the days of the early church that I am bringing the beautiful gate anointing, the right time gate anointing, where there will be kairos moments in the midst of our chronos of marking time.’ God’s saying, ‘The appointed times are upon you,'” Tom Hamon prophesies.

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The Unveiling of Prophetic Promises

Referencing Jacob’s encounter in Genesis 28, the Hamons spoke of an open heaven where God is releasing supernatural blessings. Just as Jacob became a gatekeeper for God’s purposes, the church is called to take its place as a bridge between heaven and earth, stewarding spiritual inheritance.

Beyond these prophetic promises finally manifesting themselves, the couple also gives insight that the church as a whole is getting ready to go to an entirely new place.

Entering a ‘Cyrus Season’

This new position we are headed toward is a Cyrus season—a time when God is raising up leaders who will reinforce divine decrees and rebuild righteous foundations. The church must be ready to align with this movement, recognizing that God is establishing new structures for His purposes to advance. After seeing exposure after exposure last year, it’s time for the rebuilding of the church to form on firm, holy and righteous foundations.

This Cyrus season could also be quite prophetic when we see it in terms of what the Lord may have planned for America. Since assuming the position as the 47th president of the United States, Donald Trump has been considered to be like King Cyrus from religious figures like Lance Wallnau. Both Jews and Christians around the world are hoping that he will be the one to rebuild the Third Temple. This description of Trump just may go to show that a coming “Cyrus season” is not just religious, but political as well.

The Church Will Be Sharpened for Battle

The Hamons declared that the church is being made sharp and effective during this time, prepared to break through barriers and shift atmospheres. Right now, believers are called to wield their authority with precision and boldness.

A Year of Divine Provision

A powerful theme throughout the summit was the view of a prophetic shift from scarcity to abundance. God is positioning His people to step into supernatural supply for kingdom advancement. As voices like Tomi Arayomi and Katie Souza have previously said, we are entering a time to build our Goshens, or rather, safety nets, to provide for us now and in the years to come. This divine provision, however, is not merely financial but includes an increase in resources, influence, and anointing.

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Challenging False Narratives in Media

The Hamons also released a word regarding the media mountain, declaring that God is raising up truth-bearers to challenge deception. Additionally, they spoke of Iran’s prophetic destiny, emphasizing that God will move against the spirit of anti-Semitism and the stronghold of the Prince of Persia.

“Every false narrative, every false prophet that’s in that positioning in the mountain of media are getting ready to shake and break and quake,” says Tom Hamon. “God says, ‘I’m also going to deal with Iran in this hour.'”

Building the Altar of God

In 2025, believers are being called to build altars of consecration, stepping into deeper dedication and sacrifice. This will lead to fresh anointing and supernatural acceleration into new assignments. With this call to step out in divine calling and purpose, the church must be bold in prayer and in proclamation of the Gospel, ready to see the nations transformed by the power of God.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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