
Graveside Vigils to Mark Deaths of Nation’s Unborn


If you should come upon a grave marker with many names listed on it, there’s a good chance it’s marking a grave filled with unborn children killed at a nearby abortion mill. That’s the case at Immaculate Conception Cemetery just outside the town of Elkton, Md.

Jack Ames, the founder and director of Maryland’s Defend Life, was recently brushing dust off that grave. Ames knows well the tale of the nearly three dozen babies in that single grave.

Standing over it, he told CBN News, “And they’re buried right here where we’re standing on this sacred ground in a common casket, all 35 of them. And you can see they’re all named here — beautiful Christian names, like Christine, Carl, Christopher and so forth.”

Those names were bestowed on them by local pro-lifers after the victims’ bodies were recovered from an Elkton abortion clinic. 

The doctor there specialized in performing late-term abortions for women from states where the practice is illegal. He would freeze and store many of the tiny victims.  

A botched abortion led police to his clinic one day.

“The authorities here in Elkton became suspicious and they raided the abortion mill,” Ames recalled.  “And that’s when they found the 35 frozen late-trimester aborted babies.”

Such babies will be remembered at solemn graveside vigils all around the country Saturday, Sept. 14. It’s called the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children. Organizers hope it will become an annual commemoration.

“Because these babies like all of us were created in the image and likeness of Almighty God,” Ames said. “They were babies; they were human beings from the moment of conception.  And they deserve to be commemorated, to be memorialized.”

Organizers said if they can get thousands of people out to these vigils to remember the deaths of the unborn, it could help awaken the conscience of a nation that very rarely sees the actual cost of abortion.

“We want to publicize this to the high heavens that every day in America 3,500 babies are being killed, murdered if you will, by surgical abortion,” Ames stated.  “We want the whole world to know it.  What a shame, what a stigma this is on America!”


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