Evangelist Battles Atheists in War on Christmas

Ray Comfort

The outrage over nativity scenes continues as the war on Christmas rages. Now, evangelist Ray Comfort is throwing his gospel response into the battle.

After reading the Freedom From Religion’s (FFR) demand that the Texas city of Athens remove a nativity scene from the corner of its courthouse lawn, Comfort decided to educate himself on the exploits of this activist atheist group.

“Freedom From Religion Foundation see themselves as moral watchdogs,” Comfort concludes. Comfort pointed to the many lawsuits FFR has filed, including a federal suit against the Town of Whiteville, Tenn., and its mayor, James Bellar, “to force him to remove crosses on the Whiteville water tower.” In another suit, the FFR argues that “an unauthorized Latin cross suddenly appearing at Camp Pendleton must come down.”

Armed with information about FFR, Comfort, producer of 180, a pro-life movie that has generated more than 1.8 million YouTube views, reached out to Pastor Nathan Lorick of First Baptist Church in Malakoff. Malakoff is working with 73 local pastors to stand up to the FFR. Comfort offered to send in teams to evangelize the area, and he plans to repeat the effort everywhere the FFR raises its atheistic head.

“Whenever they try and bully people with their anti-God agenda, we will make that place ground-zero for an evangelistic campaign,” Comfort says. “The majority of Americans believe in God, and many of them have had enough of intolerance towards the things of God. Atheists may use the law to make a mayor remove a cross from a water tower, but we will then make it our business to take the cross to thousands.”

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