Macy's transvestite uproar

Trans-Sexual Oversees Macy’s Female Fitting Rooms


Transvestites in the women’s fitting rooms? It’s an issue that has–and is–causing an uproar for Macy’s. And the issue is not going away.

Indeed, tens of thousands of people have signed onto Liberty Counsel’s open letter asking Macy’s to change its policy that permits men dressing as women to use women’s fitting rooms. Liberty Counsel has delivered the letter to Macy’s. Now, the ball is in the retailer’s court, even as new evidence rolls in about Macy’s unbiblical practices.

For example, just last week it came to light that a mother and her daughter were subjected to trying on clothes in a Macy’s women’s dressing room supervised by a trans-sexual (man presenting as a woman) at the Galleria Mall in Dallas. His job supervising the fitting rooms means that he escorts women and young girls to the dressing rooms, enters the dressing rooms to clean out the clothes, and even provides different sized items to women while they are trying on their clothes.

Other reports are coming in from women around the country indicating that at various Macy’s stores men are routinely allowed to simply “hang out” in the women’s dressing rooms. In these situations, the men were identifying as men. Mothers wanting to protect their young children have repeatedly asked store employees to tell the men to leave. In some situations employees refused to do so, claiming fear of a lawsuit.

“Macy’s is forcing its morality, or in this case, immorality, on all of its female shoppers,” says Mathew Staver, founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “Just as a person who is fvie feet tall, but thinks of himself as six feet tall, doesn’t change his height.”

Liberty Counsel’s open letter, signed onto by tens of thousands, states:

As an American who recognizes the crucial importance of cultural boundaries and same gender guidelines to the welfare of any society, I am appalled by your corporate decision to allow LGBT people to use whatever changing facilities they choose in Macy’s stores. This policy is both misguided and absurd. It creates an unnecessary threat to the comfort and safety of your customers and helps undermine the stability of our society! I am deeply concerned that pro-homosexual activism has brought your organization to enact such a poorly thought-out policy.

I applaud Natalie Johnson’s resolve to stand up for what she knew to be right and deny a male access to women’s facilities!  Macy’s policy, which allows men to use the women’s dressing room and vice-versa, is fraught with problems. This policy will cause significant issues and will alienate the majority of Macy’s customers. I call on Macy’s to do the right thing by reinstating Natalie Johnson and reversing this absurd policy.


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