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Hillary Clinton Cites Bible as Biggest Influence on Her Thinking, Despite Pro-Gay Marriage Stance


If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be? That was one of the many questions former U.S. Secretary of State—and former First Lady—was asked for the New York Times‘ Sunday Book Review.

Although the Democratic politician admits she can’t stop thinking about The Hare With Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert, Citizens of London by Lynne Olson and A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth, none of those qualified as the answer to the question.

“At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking,” she said in an interview that was part of the promotion for her book Hard Choices. “I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement.”

So why did she embrace gay marriage? It wasn’t for political reasons, she told NPR’s Terry Gross last week. Clinton says she has a solid track record on LGBT issues that started long before she entered politics.

Is Clinton talking out of both sides of her mouth? If the Bible is truly the biggest influence on her thinking, how can she support gay marriage? Sound off.


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