Prophecy Teacher Unpacks End-Times Revelation Through New Lens

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A large number of Christian believers—perhaps a majority—are convinced that we are living in the end times. In fact, many are equally sure that these are the last days of the end times.

The careers of a slew of pastors and authors and even the theology of entire denominations are based on a specific view of how the Lord will return to gather His people.

In a new book and television miniseries, pastor and author David Jeremiah examines the pre-Tribulation view of eschatology from a new perspective: “He explores the book of Revelation through the lens of its major players—the exiled, the martyrs, the elders, the victor, the king, the judge, the 144,000, the witnesses, the false prophet and the beast,” according to promotional material.

In an effort to make the topic digestible for unbelievers as well as for the faithful, Jeremiah mixes a fictional narrative with his nonfiction examination of the end of days.

“Each chapter begins with a dramatized account of the character and ends with an explanation of the Scripture behind the story,” the publisher notes.

In “The Martyrs” chapter, Jeremiah gives this account of the rapture as seen through the eyes of one character: A newsflash snapped Daniel out of his reverie. According to chaotic reports from around the world, thousands of people had suddenly vanished. People had disappeared from workstations, cars, airplanes, ships and military stations, causing widespread devastation. Cars had crashed. Planes had plunged to the ground. Gas plants had exploded. Cities were darkened by massive power outages. Daniel watched, incredulous, as casualty estimates rose into the millions.”

“It is my heartfelt prayer that this book will impress the truth of Revelation into both your mind and your heart, and that it will strengthen your resolve to stand firm for Christ in the face of the worst of circumstances,” said Jeremiah, founder of Turning Point Ministries and senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California, a Southern Baptist congregation. “I also pray that this book will help you to realize the overarching truth of Revelation: that the believer’s victory in Christ is an absolute certainty.”

Jeremiah has written more than 50 books, several of which address the end-times theme. Among them: Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, What in the World Is Going On? and The Coming Economic Armageddon.

On, the book is listed as the number one best seller in Christian Spiritual Warfare.

One Amazon reviewer wrote, “In the spirit of the parable, Dr. David Jeremiah seeks to animate some of the heroes and villains of the Bible in his new book Agents of the Apocalypse. Almost like having two books in one, this book gives a fictional representation of Biblical personas and then explains the real Biblical facts behind the stories.

“I think the book was a great idea with some truly great insights and vivid passages, which will stick with you long after you’ve finished the last page, but there were also parts I felt were lacking. … I think he explained his positions with clarity and skill. Frankly, his nonfiction side of the book was in many places more captivating and interesting than the fictional representations.”

Another reviewer commented, “With the use of fictional stories, the author is able to explain the main events that occurred in the Bible to believers and non-believers alike. This is also a great way to explain the meaning behind Scriptures and tell the stories that contains the biblical prophecy.”

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