These metallic nodules were found along the Atlantic floor.

Scientists Find Evidence of Genesis Flood and Noah’s Ark


Mysterious metal lumps discovered along the ocean floor queued up scientific minds in a puzzle that’s amounted to nothing more than guessing games—until now.  

“These metallic pellets provide strong evidence that most seafloor sediments were deposited rapidly, not slowly and gradually over millions of years. Are these nodules evidence of the Genesis Flood?” writes creation scientist Jake Hebert.  

Though other nodules have been discovered in the past, none were in such a concentrated area.  

Evolutionary scientists are perplexed.  

“These were very, very circular, which is strange,” Colin Devey, chief scientist for the expedition and a volcanologist at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Devey tells LiveScience. “They usually look like cow flops.” 

To Hebert, though, it’s evidence of the Genesis Flood and Noah’s ark.  

“Toward the end of the Genesis Flood, sheets of water receding off the continents would have rapidly eroded and dumped enormous amounts of sediment into the ocean basins,” Hebert writes. “The presence of geological features called planation surfaces on every continent is very difficult for uniformitarian scientists to explain, but it is perfectly consistent with the Flood’s rapid erosion and deposition of sediment. Furthermore, the warm, mineral-rich oceans during and after the Flood would have been conducive to the growth of phytoplankton such as algae.” 

Is this definitive proof of the Noah’s ark? Sound off!


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