The Evolution of Common Core


Parents are up in arms against the attempt to force Common Core to be the new federal curriculum, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. More bad policies inflicted on schoolchildren are described in the new book by Samuel Blumenfeld called Crimes of the Educators. If you want your children to be smart and successful, rather than join the millions who graduate from high school unable to read their own diploma, you need Blumenfeld’s book. Crimes of the Educators describes how this all happened. It was not any accident. It was planned that way by the socialists who believe that the way to undermine the U.S. private enterprise system is to get rid of high literacy and independent intelligence so that the younger generation will accept Big Brother in the driver’s seat of our economy. Blumenfeld traces the evolution of this system from an 1898 article called “The Primary-Education Fetich” by the father of so-called Progressive Education, John Dewey. In that article, Dewey wrote that learning how to read early in life is a what he would call a perversion. So, Dewey developed and propagated a system that discouraged high literacy and inflicted children with a method that would prevent them from reading the great books, and from developing high levels of independent intelligence. Blumenfeld recognizes Common Core as “an educational fraud.” Instead of reading the literary classics, Common Core students are given portions from tiresome government documents and technical manuals instead of great literature. Blumenfeld’s use of the word “crimes” in the title of his book is not too strong a word to describe what the progressives have done to our children. This book’s subtitle is “How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.” Reprinted from Eagle Forum.


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