Food and drink

The First Decision a Leader Must Make


We will all make choices today. The first choice will be to decide whether to be led by the flesh or the spirit.

We will set our minds and conversations on things pertaining to the flesh or we will focus our intentions upon the leading of the Holy Spirit. We don’t accidently follow the desires of the flesh. We make a decision to allow our sinful nature to govern.

It is impossible to serve two masters. We decide to be on the side of God or the side that satisfies the flesh.

This is an important point of differentiation for leaders. We need to be clear about what team we support. We can’t begin the day on one team, and then change uniforms at halftime. We cannot wear the pants of one team and the jersey of another. We must declare our allegiance.

A leader who declares to be abiding in the kingdom of God is deliberate about things which are invisible and eternal. His mind is set upon things above. He will declare openly, “There is nothing on earth that I desire besides You” (Psalm 73:25, MEV).

The leader who is led will have a different priority list. It will be deliberate in pursuit of things spiritual. He will surround himself with people who are moving toward godly purposes and dare not be detracted by earthly pursuits. The habits of a spiritual leader are predictable and consistent. The spiritually motivated leader will not be moved.

A pastor told me once, the hardest thing I face every day will be to remain in the kingdom of God. It is not about eating and drinking. The flesh has power to consume. A kingdom leader will seek righteousness, peace and joy as primary sustenance and motivation (Romans 14:17).

Godly leaders begin with a mindset to press on toward righteousness. Our primary metrics will be peace and joy.

Is it the right thing to do?

Does this decision foster peace?

Will we walk in joy as we go?

Remain in the kingdom as you lead.



Platform Tip No. 24

People don’t become part of your audience because of how you do what you do. The “how” will tarnish with age.

People come to you because of “why” you do it.

When we lose our why, we lose our audience.



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