Hillary Clinton Holding Baby

This Was Hillary Clinton’s Latest Campaign Fail


Hillary Clinton may not be “afraid to talk about the importance of el respeto,” but she’s not any Hispanic or Latino voter’s abuela (grandmother).

Celebrating the news that her daughter, Chelsea, is with child for a second time while simultaneously attempting to connect with Hispanic and Latino voters, the Clinton campaign made the decision to post “7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela.” If you happened to notice that on your news feed, no, it wasn’t from The Onion.

And, judging from the social media reaction to it, Hispanics and Latinos were taking it pretty seriously, too. Some called it “Hispandering,” while others just pointed out the definite lack of authenticity in the article, such as “She likes to highlight accomplishments.”

But, ultimately, most of the #NotMyAbuela anger is directed at the campaign’s apparent effort to suggest Clinton, who came from an affluent background, has anything in common with a majority of Hispanics and Latinos in the U.S. As one Twitter user commented:

“Maybe try discussing our issues, not pandering and patronizing, in order to get our votes.”


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