Nagmeh Abedini Believing for a Miracle for Marriage With Pastor Saeed
Naghmeh Abedini spent years praying for her husband’s release—then she came forward with allegations of spousal abuse.
At the start of the new year, she announced a three-week fast. Less than two weeks in, Saeed Abedini was released from Iranian prison. Now, the Abedini family must move forward in healing. Naghmeh posted her prayer request on Facebook:
“Dear friends,
“Thank you for being so patient in waiting for updates on Saeed. Saeed is in a very good condition (thanks to all of your prayers!). He recently met with Congressman Pittinger in Germany (below picture).
“Saeed will be landing on American soil Thursday evening. He will spend a few days with his parents and then the kids and I will join him on Monday. Please pray for us as we will be spending weeks or possibly months healing as a family and going through counseling. I am thankful for Franklin Graham for coming along side our family through this next steps of the difficult journey ahead.
“I am believing in a miracle for our marriage. WE need your prayers more than ever. The enemy wants to bring division and destruction. Please pray that we can heal and move forward united as a family.
“I will be sharing updates and of course pictures of our family united again! If Lord willing, Jacob might get his birthday wish and we might go to Disney for his 8th birthday in March with daddy!”