Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum Had This to Say Monday Night


Despite an 11th-place showing in the Iowa Republican Caucus on Monday night, the former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum had a message for those who said he should drop out.

“Not anytime soon.”

Just minutes after the Iowa precinct caucuses began, and at least an hour before the first returns began coming in, Santorum’s campaign announced he was moving on South Carolina. There, he plans to bring his sweater vest to all of the state’s 46 counties.

The New Hampshire primary, which will be held next Tuesday, is historically unkind to evangelical and grassroots conservative candidates. South Carolina, which is much more friendly to a candidate like Santorum, goes to the polls Feb. 20.

The South Carolina leg of his “InVest in America” tour will kick off Wednesday at Sandey’s at the White House in York County.


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