Should we pray for Richard Dawkins after his stroke?

Debate Rages Over Praying for Atheist Richard Dawkins After Stroke


Famed atheist Richard Dawkins suffered a recent stroke, forcing him to postpone his tours to Australia and New Zealand.  

His health crisis rapidly developed into a Twitter debate on if Christians should pray for his recovery.  

Huffington Post blogger Kashif N Chaudhry tweeted: “Praying for @RichardDawkins’ quick recovery after having suffered a minor stroke in the UK ahead of his Aus/NZ tour.” 

But non-Christians promoted “well wishes” and “hopes for recovery” over prayer. 

One person tweeted: @RichardDawkins I read you weren’t well. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Don’t worry, I won’t pray for you.” 

Another tweeted: “@RichardDawkins The “other side” might not be praying for you, but scientists, skeptics, and serious people are rooting for you! Get well!” 

But Christians refused to bow to online pressure to not pray for the atheist.  

One person tweeted: @JohnAntonakis @RichardDawkins ‘The “other side” is praying actually. We don’t follow a “for friends only” school of thought. Get well soon.” 

Where do you stand? Sound off on if we should pray for Richard Dawkins.


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