Mike Huckabee

Do You Agree With Mike Huckabee’s Endorsement Move?


Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, like many former Republican presidential candidates, is frequently asked who he’s going to back from among the remaining GOP contenders.

His answer may be surprising to some, but probably typifies why some of those who “Stuck With Huck” in 2008 are still at his side eight years later. In an interview with Christian Examiner, he said his plan “right now” is to “endorse principles, rather than persons” and endorse principles he feels are valuable to the country.

“I’m not sure that an endorsement from me is all that significant,” he added. “Quite frankly, once you make an endorsement, you’re pretty well done. You’ve made your point and everybody says, ‘OK,’ and you really, then, can’t speak at all to the larger field of candidates and/or to the things they are currently saying.”

Huckabee left the door open to changing his mind about endorsing a candidate during the primary process, but he’s already said he plans to support whomever is the eventual Republican nominee. Some have suggested the final days of his candidacy were marked with “bitterness,” but he said that while he was disappointed with the result, he thanks God for the opportunity.

“When the whole thing is over, and the next day it wasn’t exactly the results I wanted, I sat back and my perspective was: God is good. I did my part. It didn’t work out, but I look at my life in the great[er] context of where I started as a kid,” he said. “[W]hat a blessing, what an incredible joy to live in this great country where a kid like me, who grew up like I did, could even get on the stage. So despite my disappointment in not getting the nomination and winning the election, I still love the Lord and I love this country, and that doesn’t change a bit.”


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