Scott Walker

Scott Walker Has Picked His Man for President


At one time, long before the Iowa Caucus, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.

Tuesday, he endorsed the guy he hopes will win instead.

Appearing on the Charlie Sykes Radio Program on WTMJ in Milwaukee, Walker announced he is now backing U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for the GOP nod. After eight years of the “failed Obama-Clinton administration,” he said, Americans are looking for “real leadership” and a “new direction” for the country.

“Ted Cruz is a principled constitutional conservative who understands that power belongs to the states—and to the people—and not bureaucrats in Washington,” he said. “Just like we did in Wisconsin, Ted Cruz is not afraid to challenge the status quo and to stand up against the big government special interests.

“He is the best-positioned candidate to both win the Republican nomination and defeat Hillary Clinton. That’s why I endorse Ted Cruz for president of the United States.”

The endorsement should be a huge boost for the Cruz campaign, which needs to sweep nearly all of the remaining delegates to win the Republican nomination outright ahead of the national convention this summer. Walker is immensely popular in the Badger State, particularly with Republicans.

“Gov. Walker has been an outstanding leader in the conservative movement and I’m honored to have his endorsement,” Cruz said. “Gov. Walker courageously stood up to special interests and won in a bitter fight in Wisconsin. His leadership has made a profound impact on the people of Wisconsin, and I welcome his advice on how we can unite the Republican Party and defeat Hillary Clinton in November.”

The Wisconsin Primary will be held Tuesday, April 5.


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