Atheists are upset at the school district's censorship.

Atheists Fuming Mad That School Won’t Allow Godless Campaign


The Western Colorado Atheists and Freethinkers attempted to hand out material with graphic imagery to students only to have the pamphlets censored by the school district.

The pamphlets in question? “An X-Rated Book: Sex and Obscenity in the Bible” and “What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?” according to a Freedom From Religion Foundation release.

“It is inappropriate in a school setting; we would not allow any of the high school students to wear or otherwise display such a cartoon,” says School District Attorney Andrew Clay. “Why would we allow them to carry it in the building? It may also qualify as hate literature, demeaning women.”

The WCAF wanted to distribute the pamphlets in response to Gideon Bible distribution, according to ABC 8.

“This is the other side of that,” said Kurt Clay, the assistant superintendent. “The policy says we cannot discriminate what is handed out, we just have to follow the process.”

Despite the policy, the material was “censored” with stickers covering the pornographic covers.


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