Colorado shootings

Shooting, Sadness, Salvations in Aurora, Colo.


The prayer was simply for a “divine appointment.”

As Toni, the Rapid Response Team chaplain walked around the memorial site in Aurora, Colo.,—where many gathered to mourn and pay respects to the victims who were killed in the horrific July 20 movie theatre shooting—she asked for God to guide her steps.

A group of young adults grabbed her attention. They were sitting, looking down while holding each other and clearly distraught. Toni approached them and asked if they knew any of the victims.

Indeed, they all knew at least one of the victims killed in the tragic event, but none in the group had gone to the theater that night.

The conversation turned to spiritual matters and each one said they knew of their eternal destination, had their life been taken, except for one young man—Logan.

“No one knows for sure they’ll be ready to go to heaven,” Logan told the chaplain.

At that point, Toni looked at Logan and assured him, yes, there is a way to know—without any doubt.

And without hesitation Logan agreed to accept Jesus as his Savior, praying with the chaplain before giving her a smile and hug.

Toni gave Logan and others some Billy Graham training materials before praying for the group.

Logan was one of dozens to give his life to the Lord in the shooting aftermath.

Since 7:45 a.m. on July 20, chaplains have been on the scene ministering to those affected by the shooting. A total of 23 chaplains have now prayed with more than 800 in the Aurora community.

More salvation stories:

Close Call: A couple visiting the memorial site started talking with the chaplains. Turns out they were at the movie theater the night of the shooting, but their lives had been spared. Still, the couple had struggled with their relationship. Tempers had been short and the two had argued seemingly nonstop. The chaplain asked the couple, “Where would you be today if you had not made it out of the theaters?” Mary Sue responded she didn’t know and after a gospel presentation, decided to receive Christ in her life.

City Hall: One of the chaplains met a woman named Bobbie at a memorial near Aurora City Hall. After a short conversation, the chaplain gave her the pamphlet “Steps to Peace with God,” which Bobbie read immediately. The chaplain explained to her what it meant to make Jesus the Lord of her life and Bobbie prayed to receive Christ.

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