Prophecy Fulfilled: Campus Revivals and Political Waves Overtake 2024


Another prophecy for 2024 was fulfilled.

At the end of last year, Apostle Bible Davids discussed in an exclusive interview with Charisma Media what he believed the Lord was showing him for 2024. As we head into the final month of the year, we can look back and see how what was prophesied about this year has come to pass.

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One of the key things Davids prophesied about was the 2024 election cycle.

““The Lord will reveal a candidate that is anointed by God,” Davids says. “Based on a prophetic timeline, and hold back everything that is antithetical to the will of God in the United States of America…”

After the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally where the attempted assassination took place on Donald Trump, supporters from around the nation soon found themselves gathering to stand behind him. It became clear after this incident that more people would back him than perhaps previously thought. Davids also predicted that this year’s political season would be tied into a spiritual wave.

“What we’re going to have is a spiritual wave that’s going to keep growing until it becomes a political wave,” he says. “And it’s going to keep growing until it becomes a social reform.”

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From Trump rallies and victory parties filled with hymns to Jesus, the denial of Christ’s Lordship by Kamala Harris which made her stance on faith very clear, to the call for America’s repentance from Christians across the nation, we’ve seen the Lord working through the national political stage.

To order Troy Anderson’s book, “The Trump Code,” visit

Davids believed in 2024 a shift would happen where the days of playing church would be over, and the time of revival would come.

“A lot of voices are going to be emerging, and a lot of voices are going to be crumbling,” Davids began. “…And the Spirit of the Lord says, ‘Watch out for the campuses because My Spirit and My anointing is going to break out on different university campuses across the United States.’”

In 2024, we’ve seen exposure come to ministers and leaders in growing numbers, voices crumbling. However, we have also seen the Holy Spirit continue to pour Himself out on a new generation, largely on the college campuses. From Florida, to Texas, Arkansas and more, we’ve seen emerging adults across the nation giving their lives over to Christ this year.

As we step toward 2025, let’s pray and listen closely for all that the Lord wants to do in this next year.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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