Christian Pollster: Donald Trump Has a Problem

Donald Trump

In a recent interview with OneNewsNow, Christian pollster George Barna explained that while evangelical Christians are just as angry with the “Washington establishment,” they’re not as keen about Republican front-runner Donald Trump as has been reported by the mainstream media.

“They don’t really believe he’s a conservative,” he said. “[O]nly 4 percent believe he’s genuinely a conservative.”

Barna, whose polling firm bases its “evangelical” label on several factors, including theological beliefs and practices, said the number of committed Christians in the U.S. is smaller than has been reported. But he also said they make up for their smaller numbers by being far more engaged in the political process.

“Their theology and their patriotism require them to vote,” he said. “They believe that that’s an obligation that they have.”

Barna also said “real evangelicals” take issue with several of Trump’s character flaws. While issues are important to them, he added, character is an even more important factor in their final voting decisions.

“[C]haracter is critical because they figure it’s based on your character that you make up your decisions,” he said. “This deeply matters to these people. They don’t want to give up the ship, but they’re saying, ‘Oh my gosh, look at the captain we’re stuck with.'”

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