The Startling Connection Between Jesus’ Parables and the Mark of the Beast

The parable of the 10 virgins prepares us for the Mark of the Beast
Striking parallels among Jesus’ prophecies, His parables and John’s mark of the Beast now trickle into our daily lives. 

If that sounds like gibberish to you, Pastor David Lankford breaks the terminology down by explaining the connection between Jesus’ words in Matthew 25 and John’s prophecies in Revelation 13.  

Jesus warned His bride about the mark of the Beast when He told the parable of the 10 virgins, Lankford tells televangelist Jim Bakker.  

“Jesus was telling us there’s coming an era, there’s coming a time of buying and selling,” Lankford says.  

And as technology rapidly advances, our world hurtles toward the fruition of multiple end-time prophecies. Watch the video to see his explanation. 

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