Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina: Hillary Clinton Bullies Women


Throughout the Republican presidential primary, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina never let up on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

And now, even though she’s no longer a political candidate, Fiorina hasn’t let up in her assault on the Democratic presidential nominee-in-waiting. In a message to supporters of her new Super PAC, Carly for America, the former GOP presidential candidate unloaded on Clinton’s use of “the gender card” on the campaign trail.

“I’m proud to be a woman,” she said. “But I also know gender is not an accomplishment.

“Hillary Clinton can’t run on her record: a quarter-century of failure, incompetence and corruption. The only way she can win is by playing the gender card.”

That’s why, Fiorina added, Clinton’s top allies have “wasted zero time in bullying women” into voting for the former first lady:

“Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told a rally that there’s a ‘special place in hell’ for women who don’t support Hillary Clinton. And liberal feminist Gloria Steinem said women who don’t back Hillary are simply too shallow to have their opinions taken seriously.

“Newsflash, Mrs. Clinton: Women will not be so easily fooled. The American people will not be so easily fooled.”

Fiorina said that when she became the first woman to run a major corporation, she talked about real issues—how to fix problems, taking on the bureaucracy and creating more opportunities—not ‘whether or not my going to work each morning was historic.’

“As anyone who’s ever held a job knows: It doesn’t matter who you are. It matters if you can be trusted to do the job you’re hired to do,” she added. “Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted, and she cannot do the job of president of the United States, and it’s up to you and me to make sure she never gets the chance.”


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